
Why do I hook the ball

Why do I hook the ball

Why do I hook the ball, what can I do to stop hooking the ball? Well I think the first thing you need to do is understand what causes the hook. There are two or three different things that cause the hook. Basically people who slice and hook are doing essentially the same thing. The only difference is where they time their hands at the bottom of the swing. Most people who hook the ball pull down into an across position with the left elbow out and the body hanging back, and then they flip their hands. As soon as they flip their hands the hands pass the body, the swing is left and it spins the ball left. It is the angle that would spin the ball. The whole thing that we try to teach in the golf swing is that you start square and you have to be able to return the club every time square. The only way that the club can return to square is for both elbows to be down at impact. If the left elbow is out at impact you have an angle that would cause a slice and if you get into impact with your right elbow sticking out then the crossover here is where the hands flip over the ball and it causes the ball to spin to the left. Curves, hooks or slices, are all created through angles. So the whole idea in the golf swing is that when you get to the top of the swing you want to try to return that triangle formed by your forearms back to square. The butt of the club must come back to the center of your body to be square. If the handle of the club goes outside on the backs wing and then inside on the downswings, then obviously there is too much motion in the swing, there is too much rotation. That always causes hooks and causes angles. So remember, in the golf swing, at the top of the swing, to square the club your left elbow has to be down and the right side has to square the club. You can not pull down with the left elbow off the body, and then rotate your hands, and do anything but hook the ball
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