
How do you improve the proprioceptive qualities of the body ?

How do you improve the proprioceptive qualities of the body ?

Improvement in this area lies within performing exercises that increase the efficiency with which the nervous system operates.

Exercises that improve proprioception and “feel” during the swing are called balance exercises. Balance exercises challenge the nervous system, creating more efficiency in the input/output system of the body.

Better balance allows for the body to learn new movements (i.e. golf swing) more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, these exercises increase the ability of the body to “feel” athletic movements like the golf swing.

In summary, we have three components that improve our “feel” for the golf club. Number one is an understanding of golf swing mechanics. You must have a conscious “road map” of the golf swing. This allows you a reference point to develop the correct swing mechanics.

Secondly, practice is required. The body learns through repetition. Practice allows the brain and the body to learn the movement sequence of the golf swing. Practice is also the point where the body begins to develop the proprioceptive qualities required for the golf swing.

Finally, you need to develop the proprioceptive capacities of the body itself through balance exercises. These types of exercises improve the input/output system of the body allowing for improved learning capacities by the body, better “feel” of where the body is in space, and a greater capacity to “feel” the golf swing.

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