
How much gear do you bring around?

How much gear do you bring around?

How much gear do you bring around? Obviously, if you tend to carry more golf accessories or peripherals with you when you golf, you’ll definitely need a larger bag. This is particularly important for the ladies since they may bring more accessories such as sun lotion, visor or hat, medication around.

How does it look and feel? Weird as it may sound, this can be a very important criteria. After all, you’re going to bring the bag around and it’s look and feel can make you feel good or lousy about the whole golfing experience. For example, if you’ve getting a carry bag at the store, try it with all accessories in the bag and walk around with it. Does it feel heavy? Is it comfortable? Does it make you look chic and trendy etc? Nothing can be worse off than getting a new bag only to find blisters forming on your shoulders. As for cart bags, though the feel may be less of an importance, the look factor can be make the difference between buying it or discarding it.

Does it have what you need? What if it rains, does it have a rain hood? Are the number of pockets or compartments sufficient? Do you need a insulator compartment to keep your drink cool? Though these seems pretty minor, a preference for either features can make you chose one bag over another.

How much are you willing to pay? Generally a carry bag can cost between fifty to two hundred dollars whereas the cart bag costs between one to five hundred dollars. Deciding on how much you are willing to spend can help you make the decision more effectively.

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